Get the Current Session from Appwrite of an Authenticated User in React

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We’re able to log people in, but how does the application know this? Appwrite can see this if we try to make a request based on the securely stored session cookie, but we need to first know if they’re logged in before trying to submit a request for a particular task, otherwise we’re making a lot of assumptions within our UI.

To work through this, we’ll first get our current Session using the Get Session endpoint, which will not only allow us to pass in a Session’s ID to get the details of that Session, but also pass in the key of “current” which will give us well… the current Session. If they’re logged out, we won’t do anything, but if they’re logged in, we’ll then store that Session in state, which will be our indicator for whether or not we should show Log In or Log Out in our navigation.

What You’ll Learn

  • Get the details of the user’s current session (if logged in)
  • Dynamically show login and logout links based on authentication state
