Get a User’s Team Access & Grant Admin Privileges in Appwrite and React

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After the previous lesson, our application is now locked down, only allowing users with specific permissions to perform specific actions. Particularly here, we’re interested in our Admins ability to delete events. But we’re left with a problem. Our app currently doesn’t know if someone is an Admin or not, so we just show a Delete button to anyone and let it fail if they’re not. Bummer.

The good news is we can use the Appwrite Get Teams endpoint where we can first look at all the Teams our user is currently included in and try to see if Admin is in that list. This will allow us to tack on some additional information to our global state, which we can take advantage of to dynamically show the Admin-only bits in our app.

In this lesson, we’ll look up all of the Teams for our current user. We’ll look through that list and see if we find a Team object where the ID matches the ID of our Admin team which we can handily find in the Appwrite console. And once we confirm whether or not they’re an Admin, we’ll leave the Delete button hidden, or show it, depending on their access level.

What You’ll Learn

  • Get a list of the Teams a user is associated with
  • Determine if a user is in a Team by its ID
  • Dynamically show and hide UI based on access privileges
