Create a new Database & Collection in Appwrite

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Displaying a list of events in an app ultimately relies on a location to store the data that supports those events. It’s important that this mechanism is flexible and reliable so that we can store the different types of data we need, as well as having the ability to lock down that data in the future with custom permissions.

One of the many services Appwrite provides is being able to create and manage Databases, which allows us to easily interact with the data for our events. By building our database with Appwrite, we can easily connect to the other services Appwrite provides. But for now, this is a perfect location to store each of our events.

We’ll start off by creating a new Database and Collection where we can store our data in Documents. We’ll then walk through creating the basic fields we’ll need for our Documents, how to configure the data types for each field, and opening up permissions so we can start to interact with our Collection programmatically followed by creating our first Collection Document in the UI.

What You’ll Learn

  • Create a new Database and Collection with the Appwrite UI
  • Define a schema and fields with data types for the Collection Documents
  • Configure permissions for new the Collection
  • Add a new Document using the UI
