Building a React.js App: Notetaker Introduction

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In this video, we introduce our sample application and discuss our objectives for this series on React.js.

~ 9 years ago

github repo with commit history corresponding to lessons? nice touch

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago


~ 9 years ago

Hi Tyler, these are really great. What IDE are you using? Thanks much!

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Thanks Jason! Sublime with Brogrammer Theme with Oceanic Next Color Scheme.

~ 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

~ 9 years ago

May I suggest that if its really that difficult to keep up with all the changes in react world (and I imagine it would be!) that you don't charge users until it settles down?

less than 5 minutes into the first video I had issues and its been an uphill battle since!

So far I have spent more time on SO trying to debug NPM/webpack errors than watching or writing code.

Also, why do I have to pay before I can see the comments? I probably wouldn't have bothered if I could see the dramas others had.

Anyway, I think the quality is top notch and I like Tylers style but its hardly worth watching in it current from..

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Hi Morgan. Thanks for the kind words. I've set aside some time this weekend to go through the whole series and update everything. So the new updated videos should be out in ~1.5 weeks.

~ 9 years ago

Spent the weekend battling with errors like these:

ERROR in ./app/App.js Module build failed: ReferenceError: [BABEL] /Users/user/Documents/eg/react/01-build-react-app/01-get-started/app/App.js: Unknown option: direct.presets

No success. You said if you get stuck clone the repo. Made no difference cloning 01-getting-started?

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

I mentioned in another comment that I'll be spending this weekend going through all of the videos as well as the github repo updating everything. In the mean time, feel free to email me at when you get stuck and I'll respond ASAP.

~ 9 years ago

Agreed. While most of the videos on here are very good, I'm not happy with this one. This video series is awesome in theory, but it's just too much of a mess to work through. At this point I'm better off just reading the documentation on React, webpack, etc.

~ 9 years ago

Sorry didn't see this comment! Glad you're updating everything. Egghead is awesome.

~ 9 years ago

Do you have an ETA on when the updated videos will be posted? I'm not particularly interested in learning how to create a React app with outdated information.

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Syntax has changed, principles have not. I have the first four video updates complete. I'll be getting to the rest of the video updates throughout the end of this week. They should all be up on egghead early next week. In the mean time, you can keep track of my updates on the Github repo. The first 4 branches are up to date with the changes I've made.

~ 9 years ago

Thanks for the update Tyler!

egghead eggo
egghead eggo
~ 9 years ago

The lesson video has been updated!

~ 9 years ago

Well done with the update Tyler!

I just went trough the whole course without a single error.

Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

That is SO good to hear. Thank you for the update. Whenever I do a massive update I'm always scared I'll miss one small thing that will derail the whole course. Again, thank you.

~ 8 years ago

HI Tyler, is there a fast way to visualize the components' relationships like a grid as in the example that you showed in the lesson. Thanks.

~ 8 years ago

Hi Tyler McGinnis

Congratulations for this excellent course.

I would like to know if you have any experience to use React.js with Play Framework? I am little to confuse how to be the best way. For example, to use JSX on the server side or on the client side by Babel.

What do you think? Thanks! ORlando Agostinho Lisbon/Portugal

dan entous
dan entous
~ 7 years ago

note that this course is outdated' it uses react v0.14.3, which was released on Nov 24, 2015 and requires the use of firebase, which no longer interplays well with the course as it was originally recorded.