Building a React.js App - ES6 Refactor: propTypes in ES6

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In this video, we’ll refactor our Repos and UserProfile components and along the way we’ll learn how to utilize propTypes in React with JavaScript classes.

egghead eggo
egghead eggo
~ 9 years ago

The lesson video has been updated!

Cameron Roe
Cameron Roe
~ 9 years ago

You can also add the propTypes as a static property on the class using the babel-preset-stage-0. For example:

static propTypes = {
    username: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    notes: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
    addNote: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
~ 8 years ago

Why didn't we change the this references on the render methods to this.something().bind(this)? I thought that this didn't work using the class syntax when trying to reference things inside the Class from what you said on other videos.