Set up a killer React dev environment quickly with hjs-webpack

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You can easily spend hours configuring the perfect dev environment with all the latest hotness like ES6 (and beyond) support, hot reloading, and a myriad of other features. This lesson shows how to use hjs-webpack to get the same thing in a matter of minutes.

~ 9 years ago

What sublime theme is this?

Ben Clinkinbeard
Ben Clinkinbeard(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

It's the One Dark theme for Atom. :)

~ 9 years ago

My package.json file looked absolutely nothing like this. I'm on v 2.14.7, and node 4.2.1. The first time I tried the command you set, I had all of those peerDependency errors, so I npm installed a bunch I found here -, but I feel like this video is missing a few steps here. For scripts, all I have is: "scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" }

Is there something I'm not doing properly?


Ben Clinkinbeard
Ben Clinkinbeard(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Hey Elliott,

It looks like hjs-webpack removed the peerDependencies in v3.0.0. You can either use the instructions they added at or install a 2.x version via npm i -S hjs-webpack@2.x.

The scripts section of your package.json has to be edited manually.


~ 9 years ago

Hey Ben,

Great video. Was looking forward to the ease of setting this up but having some errors with transpiling the jsx on my main render to the DOM.

I thought it was something i did but then ran into this issue: , which seems to suggest that hjs-webpack does not yet work with babel 6. Any ideas how to proceed?