Use Concat to Add Values to an Array

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Concat creates a shallow copy of an existing array that includes any arguments you pass to it. In this lesson, we look at using concat for adding additional values to an array then cover some more useful features such as accepting other arrays as arguments & how to chain concat with other array methods such as forEach

~ 9 years ago

Would someone be able to tell me what web editor Shane Osbourne uses during his Array videos? It looks like a really nice simple left / right "repl" output using NodeJS, but i'm not sure which one it is and wanted to try it. Thanks for your time and patience and all of you keep up the great work! - Frankie

Shane Osbourne
Shane Osbourne(instructor)
~ 9 years ago

Hi Francesco

It's just

Then I have a run configuration setup to a key binding, so at any point I can hit CMD + SHIFT + P and the current file will be executed using Node

~ 9 years ago

Thanks Shane, that in itself seems like a really cool little video tip. Awesome stuff :)

Tony Brown
Tony Brown
~ 9 years ago

Hi Francesco

It's just

Then I have a run configuration setup to a key binding, so at any point I can hit CMD + SHIFT + P and the current file will be executed using Node

Any chance you can tell us how to set that up? Looks very convenient

Alejandro Pereira
Alejandro Pereira
~ 9 years ago

Hello Shane, how could i use concat, but append items to the start of the array?

~ 5 years ago


You can apply the concat method to the array which should come first, and supply the other array as an argument. Example:

let arr = [[1, 2, 3]]

arr.concat([[4, 5, 6]]) // [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]

[[4, 5, 6]].concat(arr) // [[4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]]

Hope that helps