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Re-Request a PR Review on GitHub

InstructorJoe Previte

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Learn how to re-request a PR review. At the bottom, above the Merge button, there should be a change requested header if someone has requested a change. Click the down arrow then the three buttons and you can request another review.

If the reviewer requests changes, this is the best way to notify them that the PR is ready for a second look.

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Instructor: I have a pull request. The reviewer for my pull request left a comment and it requested changes. I'm ready for a second review. There are two ways that we can do this. If we scroll to the bottom where it says one change requested, there's a drop-down.

If we click that, we'll see three dots, which is a second menu, and we can re-request to review. The other way to do that is up here, clicking this icon where it says re-request review. We'll do that. Now you'll notice that the red icon went away.

We're now awaiting the second review from the reviewer. That's how you re-request a review in a PR on GitHub.