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    Initialize an npm Project and git Repository
    4m 5s

Initialize an npm Project and git Repository

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In this lesson we'll start with an empty folder and initialize the project that will serve as the base to build up our own React boilerplate project. We'll also initialize a git repository and walk through checking the repo status, adding files, committing and we’ll take a look at the git log.

Adam Pasternack
Adam Pasternack
~ 6 years ago

what vscode extension are you using to style your command line path and git branch in the vscode terminal?

Andy Van Slaars
Andy Van Slaars(instructor)
~ 6 years ago

what vscode extension are you using to style your command line path and git branch in the vscode terminal? I use ohmyzsh and the cobalt2 theme for zsh setup on my machine based on Wes Bos' repo here: https://github.com/wesbos/Cobalt2-iterm

You need to install the powerline fonts (mentioned in the linked repo) for the prompt and then in my vscode settings, I specify the powerline font with: "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Inconsolata for Powerline"

Hope that helps.

Shravan Dhar
Shravan Dhar
~ 6 years ago

What VSCode theme are you using? Fell in instant love <3

~ 5 years ago

I like how cwd and branch are displayed neartly on zsh shell on VC. Can I install this for Windows as well or is it a Linux-only thing?

Keith Price
Keith Price
~ 5 years ago

What plugin or setting makes that colorful terminal path bar?

Keith Price
Keith Price
~ 5 years ago

Hmmm.... so the instructors don't actually monitor and participate in these comments? bummer.

Ian Jones
Ian Jones
~ 5 years ago

What plugin or setting makes that colorful terminal path bar?

You can find Andy's open source dotfiles here.