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Develop React Applications with Mobx and TypeScript

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Developing logic-rich applications is a key skill to have.

The TypeScript–React combination helps you unlock that skill, and it’s a great developer experience in terms of writing understandable and refactorable HTML. But the default state management for React has a long way to go to feel simple and maintainable — and that’s where MobX makes your life so much easier. MobX keeps things simple without using complicated setups like provider and connect that provide way too little value for all the mental overhead.

In this course, you’ll see how to model your React application logic using simple JavaScript classes — and with the help of MobX, make those classes the beating heart of your React applications. You’ll learn:

  • that you don't need advanced annotations and TypeScript features to use MobX
  • how to easily refactor code through TypeScript
  • how to use TypeScript to track the flow of state as properties change